OK, I must plead ignorance here. Here's a description. It was a black,
Rick bass with checkerboard binding, probably a 1960's vintage. It has two
input jacks, mono and stereo. I don't believe it was stamped Rick-O- Sound
like the more modern ones. I had triangle fret markers. It had a very
thin, fast neck and it played like a Les Paul. The guitarists I jammed with
were always impressed. 4001 or 4003, I really can't be sure. Perhaps you
can enlighten me. To add to it's mystique, the case had a Miles Davis Show
backstage pass sticker on it. I wish it could have talked. I'm sure there
were some good stories in that axe.
I know it was a fine piece and I loved it very much. I traded a pre-CBS
1962 P-Bass to get it, but that's another story I played it until I
literally wore it out and eventually traded it off on another instrument.
I've always regretted that. I'm not exactly Rickhead, although I currently
own a 1940's Bakelite lapsteel, which BTW spells the name of the guitar as
Rickenbacher (Adolph's original spelling) on the headstock. I really like
Rickenbackers and I plan to expand my collection to include a few more of
Post by HKCIn the 70's I used Labella Flat Wound strings on my 4003!!!!
Are you sure it was a 4003 in the 70's.
Anyway if it was then it's a whole different deal because the 4003 doesn't
have the neck issues that the 4001 has. I did try out a 4003 recently but
I just like the 4001 better, or rather I think the 4001 is much closer to
what I define as a that certain Rickenbacker sound but of course that's
just my opinion.
I mainly use the 4001 for it's crispness which just can't be driven out of
a Fender Jazz or Precision and it's ability to sit in the mix so for me
there's no point in buying a Ric that's more fenderish.
The 4001 is my favourite bass but I do a lot of session work and many
people just insists on the Fenders but that's their loss.